Sunday, March 26, 2017

French Songs with English subtitles

ZAZ - Je Veux [English Subtitle] Cœur de Pirate - Saint-Laurent (Lyrics + English Translation) Coeur de Pirate - Corbeau (w/ lyrics + english trans) Ma liberté - Georges Moustaki - French and English La confession Lhasa French and English subtitles Alors on danse - Stromae - French and English subtitles.mp4 Mon jardin d'hiver Stacey Kent
Les bons comptes font les bons amis .

Jane Zhang and Fifth element

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Saturday, March 18, 2017

J'entends tout, bien que je n'écoute pas .

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


This birthday goal of writing is going to fade. I have nothing I want to write about....

Despite feeling accomplished last night, I woke up to a lot of "Ah Crap" moments. My router table project is looking less than perfect, with an 'invisible seam' that seems as wide as the Grand Canyon. I put down the wrong reference for my scholarship application. I lost my paycheck from work, and I am trying to figure how to pay bills that are already past due.

I want to have goals that extend beyond the plight of my own existence, but I continually find myself falling back into the same trap of self-absorption.  So, what positive thing am I imagining for the future?

Why even do all of this? I keep telling myself that it is better to do things than watch paint dry at home. As far as I am concerned, the world doesn't care if you rot alive, and it is your job to keep yourself going.

I'm trying to get skills that will help me have a positive impact in the future. But what positive impact? And what future? I should be asking myself, with my limited capacity, what can I do now? What am I willing to do?

I'm drawing a huge blank. This is a question I need to keep asking myself.

If I am unwilling make an impact now, what makes me think I'm going to do so in the future? Seems typical, I just wanted to feel important today.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Protection Day

Avalanche Awareness, fall protection and scholarships...It's all about protection today.

Sunday, March 5, 2017


The 1st day of my 29th year, I am hang over and depressed.

 I had a lot of work to do but did not do any of it. I just watched TV and slept. I am going to bed. No point in staying awake.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Je ne peux pas décrire mes sentiments .