I'm feeling very happy but stressed. It's a weird place to be
There is a million things I should be doing, but instead, I'm reading A Dark History: Celts by Martin J. Dougherty . and also, browsing The Mineral Kingdom by Paul E. Desautels . I doubt that I'll finish either of these books.
I did finish the book, Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue: The Untold History of English by John McWhorter . I should be celebrating my accomplishment, but there are still huge parts of the book, that I did not understand. Language is not an easy subject for me, and sometimes when I hear about grammatical rules, I just keel over from frustration.
How can I take the stress away? I'm just going to start listing out what I'm doing. ....
1) I'm going to school from Monday - Thursday for a Professional Carpentry Class from 8;30-3;13pm
2) I'm part of a Language Study at the University of Washington. I'm learning French, and I'm doing this Monday and Wednesday (and also sometimes Friday) from 6;00-6:30pm.
3) I'm doing Dirt Corps on Tuesdays froms 6:00-8:30pm and Saturdays from 9-3;30pm
4) I'm taking a scrambling class that meets sporadic thursdays and some weekends
5) I bike most days. I bike between 12 - 16.8 miles. It takes about 3 hours total because of elevation gain.
I'm doing these things aw well, but I am fucking up at it.
6) I've been rock climbing Sunday nights with a friend
7) I've been volunteering at Cama Beach for the wooden boat center
8) Salsa- if I can do it, I will
9) Duolingo Daily/ PBS NEwshour
Here is a list of Technology that needs attention
1) Camera's battery burnt out. I have no camera.
2) Laptop stuck in Oakland due to stupid mistake
Here is a list of bills coming up
1) Rent
2) Tuition
3) Scrambling supplies
4) tools
5) Basic food
6) Mountaineering class/ Rock Climbing
What needs to get done now?
1) Scholarship applications
2) Drafting for Carpentry Class
3) Search for Summer Job
4) Laundry
What is going to be in the future?
1) Composites class Mond- Thursday
2) Dirt Corps
3) Horticulture class on Friday
4) Scrambling class
5) Mountaineering class? Rockling Gym
6) Cama Beach
7) Reaching out to theaters for work
Watching the Mountaineers Boating and Naturalist Class
Yes, I have a lot going on. No wonder, I'm stressed. I should just relax. I don't matter that much. The system as a whole matters.
Below is a video on the fucked-up nature of for-profit prisons.
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