Monday, December 14, 2015

Oppressive Work (Journal)

Work has been oppressive.

I've been working overtime, and I haven't been getting any breaks or a lunch. Some of the more competent managers, they got caught stealing, and now, are fired. I don't know what they stole, but a part of me, thinks that they're worth it. One of the employees, just before she was fired, sold a thousand dollar package while earning for herself minimum wage. You're dealing with two disgruntled employees, not chronic thieves. Poor treatment and intolerable conditions lead to people acting out in this way.

However, I understand that you can't tolerate stealing on the job. It's just that I feel the company itself needs to reexamine, its management and policies.

It's the holiday season, so there is a surplus of work and not enough employees to handle it. I'm worried that the company is going to treat me like their work horse. My boss loves me and seems to be itching to get me promoted, but frankly, I'm asking myself when is the best time to leave.

For this job, I'm missing out on the Holidays. I haven't seen my family at all, and I'm just not getting paid enough for the crap that I'm dealing with. I have a vacation scheduled for January, but I'm uncertain as to whether to give my boss my vacation plans or give him my two weeks notice. It's up in the air, I'm trying to 'feel out' how this week is going to go and make my decision.

Sadly, as bad as these conditions are, I feel like I've dealt with so much worse.

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